You are a member of the Tea Party if you ...
- Collect social security while complaining that government handouts should be stopped.
- Want tax breaks for yourself and anyone wealthier than you. But not poorer.
- Believe liberty means guns, but not the right to control your own body.
- Believe freedom is for you, but not for gays and immigrants.
- Believe poor people could be eliminated by letting the rich keep more of their minimum wage.
- Believe in Constitutional Law the way the founders' wrote it (for land-owning white males).
- Believe in Creationism because you don't understand science and aren't about to take scientists' word on faith!
- Plan on moving to Canada if Obama is elected again (where you need a license to own a gun and they have socialized medicine).
And you are a member of The Tequila Party if you ...
- Have ever started an evening with several shots of tequila then woke up on the street the next morning with your pants missing.
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