The Tequila Party is about having so much fun with politics in America that we wind up with our head in the toilet at 2 a.m. Just like you should with tequila.
Don't agree with me? Well, who gives a crap. Make yourself a margarita. And use fresh limes, damnit!

I was going to get really angry about all the lies I hear coming from Congress, the White House, Fox News, The Onion, etc., but instead I made a pitcher of margaritas and sat on the back porch. Try it!

What does the Tequila Party stand for? Do we really need a full-blown platform? I mean, the Tea Party seems to only be about getting rid of the black guy who stole the White House from the Republicans. Sore losers.

OK, here we go. Let's not let facts get in the way!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street

Hey, guess what? They right-wing nut jobs are talking with the leftist/homeless/jobless gang! They should probably hate each other, but wouldn't it be interesting if they look for common ground and hit Washington together (once the weather warms up, of course)?

Both sides seem to hate the TARP bailouts of the banks though we don't know if either has ever offered a better solution.

Neither likes the Patriot Act's invasion on the rights of citizens. We're not sure who likes this and it just shows why Washington is out of touch.

Of course, the Tea Party wants the rich to keep all their money so they can trickle it down while the Occupy gang would like to tax the sh#t out of them.

Perhaps they could form a common group--something like GTHOMLYGSB--Get the Hell Out of My Life You Government Scumbags! Maybe just FWDC is easier (WDC means Washington DC. You can figure out the F).

Or we could all move to northern Idaho and buy a bunch of guns -- or maybe just relax with a couple margaritas (that would be less scary).

Not sure which side this guy is on

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