The Tequila Party is about having so much fun with politics in America that we wind up with our head in the toilet at 2 a.m. Just like you should with tequila.
Don't agree with me? Well, who gives a crap. Make yourself a margarita. And use fresh limes, damnit!

I was going to get really angry about all the lies I hear coming from Congress, the White House, Fox News, The Onion, etc., but instead I made a pitcher of margaritas and sat on the back porch. Try it!

What does the Tequila Party stand for? Do we really need a full-blown platform? I mean, the Tea Party seems to only be about getting rid of the black guy who stole the White House from the Republicans. Sore losers.

OK, here we go. Let's not let facts get in the way!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Tequila Party's symbol and motto

To be an official organization, like the Boy Scouts, we should have a tag line and a picture so people can remember us.   You know, like the Tea Party has old, angry, white people holding up a piece of cardboard with a picture of Obama sporting a Hitler mustache.

I belive this would send the wrong message

A much better symbol would be a field of blue agave

Less obvious is our tag line.  Examples are:
 Hebrew National, "We answer to a higher authority"
 John Deere, "Nothing runs like a deer"

Perhaps the Tequila Party could use ideas from others without outright theft.  Examples:
 "I can't believe I drank the whole thing"
 "Behold the power of tequila"
 "Think outside the bottle"
 "Better living through tequila"

After much thought (about 17 seconds worth) I like taking Club Med's "The antidote for civilization" and using "The Tequila Party, the antidote for politics"

Select your favorite.  Vote now, vote often.

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